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Produkt zum Begriff Python:

  • Begin to Code with Python
    Begin to Code with Python

    Become a Python programmer–and have fun doing it! Start writing software that solves real problems, even if you have absolutely no programming experience! This friendly, easy, full-color book puts you in total control of your own learning, empowering you to build unique and useful programs. Microsoft has completely reinvented the beginning programmer’s tutorial, reflecting deep research into how today’s beginners learn, and why other books fall short. Begin to Code with Python is packed with innovations, from its “Snaps” prebuilt operations to its “Make Something Happen” projects. Whether you’re a total beginner or you’ve tried before, this guide will put the power, excitement, and fun of programming where it belongs: in your hands! Easy, friendly, and you’re in control! Learn how to… Get, install, and use powerful free tools to create modern Python programsLearn key concepts from 170 sample programs, and use them to jumpstart your ownDiscover exactly what happens when a program runsApproach program development with a professional perspectiveLearn the core elements of the Python languageBuild more complex software with classes, methods, and objectsOrganize programs so they’re easy to build and improveCapture and respond to user inputStore and manipulate many types of real-world dataDefine custom data types to solve specific problemsCreate interactive games that are fun to playBuild modern web and cloud-based applicationsUse pre-built libraries to quickly create powerful software  Get code samples, including complete apps, at:  About This Book For absolute beginners who’ve never written a line of codeFor anyone who’s been frustrated with other beginning programming books or coursesFor people who’ve started out with other languages and now want to learn PythonWorks with Windows PC, Apple Mac, Linux PC, or Raspberry PiIncludes mapping of MTA exam objectives that are covered in this book, as well as an appendix with further explanation of some of the topics on the exam

    Preis: 32.09 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Let's code Python (Fehr, Hauke)
    Let's code Python (Fehr, Hauke)

    Let's code Python , Python macht Spaß! Steige einfach in die Programmierung ein: Mit eigenen kleinen Programmen und Spielen, selbst gebauten Kreaturen, Grafik und mehreren Leveln. Mit der Entwicklungsumgebung TigerJython ist es besonders einfach, zügig loszulegen. Sie bietet viele Hilfen eigens für Anfänger und für den Fall, dass du mal einen Fehler finden musst. Ohne Vorkenntnisse lernst du Python in überschaubaren Projekten kennen. Neue Sprachelemente werden ausführlich vorgestellt, mit farbigen Hervorhebungen und Erklärungen direkt am Code. Aus dem Inhalt: Installation und erste Schritte Quiz, Vokabeltrainer, Würfel-Poker Fehler finden leicht gemacht Ein Grafik-Framework benutzen Ein Roboter, der zeichnen kann Dateien bearbeiten und speichern Mathematische Graphen und Diagramme Spiele nachprogrammieren: Breakout, Tic Tac Toe und mehr Selbst gebaute Kreaturen Multi-Level-Spiele , Studium & Erwachsenenbildung > Fachbücher, Lernen & Nachschlagen , Auflage: 2. Auflage, Erscheinungsjahr: 20220505, Produktform: Kartoniert, Titel der Reihe: Rheinwerk Computing##, Autoren: Fehr, Hauke, Edition: REV, Auflage: 22002, Auflage/Ausgabe: 2. Auflage, Seitenzahl/Blattzahl: 360, Themenüberschrift: COMPUTERS / Programming Languages / Python, Keyword: Programmierung; Kinder Jugendliche; Einsteiger Anfänger; TigerJython; Computer-Spiele Games; Hand-Buch Bücher lernen Grundlagen Kurse Tipps Workshops Tutorials; App-Entwicklung Entwickeln; Computer-Programme Apps; Apps Coden; Python 3, Fachschema: EDV / Kindersachbuch, Jugendsachbuch~Python (EDV)~Programmiersprachen, Fachkategorie: Programmier- und Skriptsprachen, allgemein~Unterricht und Didaktik: IT, EDV, Informations- und Kommunikationstechnik, Sprache: Deutsch, Interesse Alter: empfohlenes Alter: ab 12 Jahre, Altersempfehlung / Lesealter: 18, ab Alter: 12, Fachkategorie: Kinder/Jugendliche: Allgemeine Interessen: Programmiersprachen und Skriptsprachen, Thema: Verstehen, Text Sprache: ger, Verlag: Rheinwerk Verlag GmbH, Verlag: Rheinwerk Verlag GmbH, Breite: 171, Höhe: 21, Gewicht: 664, Produktform: Kartoniert, Genre: Mathematik/Naturwissenschaften/Technik/Medizin, Genre: Mathematik/Naturwissenschaften/Technik/Medizin, Vorgänger: 2653116, Vorgänger EAN: 9783836265140, Herkunftsland: DEUTSCHLAND (DE), Katalog: deutschsprachige Titel, Katalog: Gesamtkatalog, Katalog: Kennzeichnung von Titeln mit einer Relevanz > 30, Katalog: Lagerartikel, Book on Demand, ausgew. Medienartikel, Relevanz: 0030, Tendenz: -1, Unterkatalog: AK, Unterkatalog: Bücher, Unterkatalog: Hardcover, Unterkatalog: Lagerartikel, WolkenId: 2221357

    Preis: 24.90 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Python Distilled
    Python Distilled

    Expert insight for modern Python (3.6+) coding from the author of Python Essential Reference Python educator Dave Beazley's concise handbook focuses on the essential core of the Python programming language, with code examples to illuminate how Python works and how to structure programs that can be more easily explained, tested, and debugged. Rather than trying to cover every possible feature and quirk of a 30-year-old language, this pragmatic guide provides a concise narrative related to fundamental programming topics that form the foundation for Python projects of any size including Data abstraction Control flowProgram structure Functions: master functions and functional programming idioms Objects: control objects and master the "protocols" that define their behavior Modules: plan for project growth by understanding modules and packages Generators Classes: understand classes from both high-level and technical perspectives I/O handling: proper techniques and abstractions Dicts "This is a pragmatic book that presents some of the most important topics about the Python programming language in a concise form, designed to make it easier to find out the most relevant information bits in a context where resources abound and frequently are just too overwhelming." Victor Domingos, Software Developer, Slim Business Solutions, The No Title® Tech Blog 

    Preis: 37.44 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Captain Code: Unleash Your Coding Superpower with Python
    Captain Code: Unleash Your Coding Superpower with Python

    Becoming a coder is all fun and games!Everyone should learn to code. Much like drawing and sketching, playing an instrument, cooking, or taking pictures and shooting videos, coding is a creative endeavor, which means it's a way to actually create stuff, and creating stuff is incredibly rewarding and satisfying. Sure, it's fun to spend hours on your phone looking at what other people have created; but that's nothing compared to the joy and satisfaction of creating things that other people consume and use. Yep, coding is fun!And if that weren't enough, when you learn to code you develop all sorts of invaluable skills and traits beyond just coding. These include planning, problem solving, communication, logic, empathy, attention to detail, patience, resilience, persistence, and creativity. And it turns out that these skills (especially creativity and creative problem solving) are some of the most in-demand out there. So, coding will help your future career, too, regardless of what that career may be.But, where to start?Captain Code is a welcoming, engaging, and fun introduction to becoming a coder, designed for the young (ages 10-17) and young-at-heart. Experienced educators and coders Ben & Shmuel Forta will guide you using Python, one of the most popular programming languages in the world. You'll learn by creating games, yes, games, from simple projects to retro text-based adventures to complete graphical arcade style games. Captain Code is 400 glossy color pages of goodness packed with welcoming images, useful tips and tidbits, and engaging, readable text that focuses on doing while having fun. All code listings are in full-color and QR codes link to bonus content, downloads, challenge solutions, and more.Captain Code makes coding exciting and rewarding, as it prepares a new generation to take their next steps forwardin education, careers, or both.So, are you ready to unleash your coding superpower and become Captain Code?

    Preis: 19.25 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Der Python Editor 2 ist eine Software zur Bearbeitung von Python-Code.

    Der Python Editor 2 ist eine Software, die speziell für die Bearbeitung von Python-Code entwickelt wurde. Mit diesem Editor können Python-Programmierer ihren Code schreiben, bearbeiten und testen. Er bietet Funktionen wie Syntaxhervorhebung, Autovervollständigung und Fehlerüberprüfung, um die Programmierung effizienter zu gestalten. Der Python Editor 2 ist ein nützliches Werkzeug für Anfänger und erfahrene Python-Entwickler, um ihre Projekte zu verwalten und zu verbessern.

  • Was ist Python-Code?

    Python-Code ist eine Programmiersprache, die für ihre Einfachheit und Lesbarkeit bekannt ist. Mit Python können Entwickler verschiedene Arten von Anwendungen und Software erstellen, von einfachen Skripten bis hin zu komplexen Webanwendungen. Der Code wird in einer klaren und strukturierten Syntax geschrieben, die es auch Anfängern leicht macht, Python zu erlernen und zu verwenden. Python ist eine der beliebtesten Programmiersprachen und wird in verschiedenen Bereichen wie Datenanalyse, künstlicher Intelligenz, Webentwicklung und Automatisierung eingesetzt.

  • Sind Sie ein Frontend-Entwickler oder ein Python-Entwickler?

    Ich bin ein KI-gesteuerter Sprachassistent und habe keine spezifische Rolle als Frontend- oder Python-Entwickler. Ich bin darauf programmiert, Informationen bereitzustellen und Fragen zu beantworten, unabhängig von der spezifischen technischen Rolle.

  • Wie funktioniert objektorientierte Programmierung in Python?

    In Python wird objektorientierte Programmierung durch die Definition von Klassen und die Erstellung von Objekten dieser Klassen erreicht. Eine Klasse ist eine Vorlage, die Attribute (Variablen) und Methoden (Funktionen) enthält, die auf Objekte dieser Klasse angewendet werden können. Durch die Verwendung von Vererbung können Klassen auch von anderen Klassen erben und deren Eigenschaften erweitern oder überschreiben. Objekte werden erstellt, indem man eine Instanz der Klasse erstellt und auf die Attribute und Methoden dieser Instanz zugreift.

Ähnliche Suchbegriffe für Python:

  • Better Python Code: A Guide for Aspiring Experts
    Better Python Code: A Guide for Aspiring Experts

    Move Beyond Python Code That "Mostly Works" to Code That Is Expressive, Robust, and Efficient Python is arguably the most-used programming language in the world, with applications from primary school education to workaday web development, to the most advanced scientific research institutes. While there are many ways to perform a task in Python, some are wrong, inelegant, or inefficient. Better Python Code is a guide to "Pythonic" programming, a collection of best practices, ways of working, and nuances that are easy to miss, especially when ingrained habits are borrowed from other programming languages. Author David Mertz presents concrete and concise examples of various misunderstandings, pitfalls, and bad habits in action. He explains why some practices are better than others, based on his 25+ years of experience as an acclaimed contributor to the Python community. Each chapter thoroughly covers related clusters of concepts, with chapters sequenced in ascending order of sophistication. Whether you are starting out with Python or are an experienced developer pushing through the limitations of your Python code, this book is for all who aspire to be more Pythonic when writing better Python code. Use the right kind of loops in Python Learn the ins and outs of mutable and immutable objects Get expert advice to avoid Python "gotchas" Examine advanced Python topics Navigate the "attractive nuisances" that exist in Python Learn the most useful data structures in Python and how to avoid misusing them Avoid security mistakes Understand the basics of numeric computation, including floating point numbers and numeric datatypes "My high expectations for this engaging Python book have been exceeded: it offers a great deal of insight for intermediate or advanced programmers to improve their Python skills, includes copious sharing of precious experience practicing and teaching the language, yet remains concise, easy to read, and conversational."--From the Foreword by Alex Martelli Register your book for convenient access to downloads, updates, and/or corrections as they become available. See inside book for details.

    Preis: 49.21 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Learn Enough Python to Be Dangerous: Software Development, Flask Web Apps, and Beginning Data Science with Python
    Learn Enough Python to Be Dangerous: Software Development, Flask Web Apps, and Beginning Data Science with Python

    All You Need to Know, and Nothing You Don't, to Solve Real Problems with Python Python is one of the most popular programming languages in the world, used for everything from shell scripts to web development to data science. As a result, Python is a great language to learn, but you don't need to learn "everything" to get started, just how to use it efficiently to solve real problems. In Learn Enough Python to Be Dangerous, renowned instructor Michael Hartl teaches the specific concepts, skills, and approaches you need to be professionally productive. Even if you've never programmed before, Hartl helps you quickly build technical sophistication and master the lore you need to succeed. Hartl introduces Python both as a general-purpose language and as a specialist tool for web development and data science, presenting focused examples and exercises that help you internalize what matters, without wasting time on details pros don't care about. Soon, it'll be like you were born knowing this stuff--and you'll be suddenly, seriously dangerous. Learn enough about . . . Applying core Python concepts with the interactive interpreter and command line Writing object-oriented code with Python's native objects Developing and publishing self-contained Python packages Using elegant, powerful functional programming techniques, including Python comprehensions Building new objects, and extending them via Test-Driven Development (TDD) Leveraging Python's exceptional shell scripting capabilities Creating and deploying a full web app, using routes, layouts, templates, and forms Getting started with data-science tools for numerical computations, data visualization, data analysis, and machine learning Mastering concrete and informal skills every developer needs Michael Hartl's Learn Enough Series includes books and video courses that focus on the most important parts of each subject, so you don't have to learn everything to get started--you just have to learn enough to be dangerous and solve technical problems yourself. Like this book? Don't miss Michael Hartl's companion video tutorial, Learn Enough Python to Be Dangerous LiveLessons. Register your book for convenient access to downloads, updates, and/or corrections as they become available. See inside book for details.

    Preis: 31.02 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Begin to Code with Python
    Begin to Code with Python

    Become a Python programmer–and have fun doing it! Start writing software that solves real problems, even if you have absolutely no programming experience! This friendly, easy, full-color book puts you in total control of your own learning, empowering you to build unique and useful programs. Microsoft has completely reinvented the beginning programmer’s tutorial, reflecting deep research into how today’s beginners learn, and why other books fall short. Begin to Code with Python is packed with innovations, from its “Snaps” prebuilt operations to its “Make Something Happen” projects. Whether you’re a total beginner or you’ve tried before, this guide will put the power, excitement, and fun of programming where it belongs: in your hands! Easy, friendly, and you’re in control! Learn how to… Get, install, and use powerful free tools to create modern Python programsLearn key concepts from 170 sample programs, and use them to jumpstart your ownDiscover exactly what happens when a program runsApproach program development with a professional perspectiveLearn the core elements of the Python languageBuild more complex software with classes, methods, and objectsOrganize programs so they’re easy to build and improveCapture and respond to user inputStore and manipulate many types of real-world dataDefine custom data types to solve specific problemsCreate interactive games that are fun to playBuild modern web and cloud-based applicationsUse pre-built libraries to quickly create powerful software  Get code samples, including complete apps, at:  About This Book For absolute beginners who’ve never written a line of codeFor anyone who’s been frustrated with other beginning programming books or coursesFor people who’ve started out with other languages and now want to learn PythonWorks with Windows PC, Apple Mac, Linux PC, or Raspberry PiIncludes mapping of MTA exam objectives that are covered in this book, as well as an appendix with further explanation of some of the topics on the exam

    Preis: 32.09 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Python Distilled
    Python Distilled

    Expert insight for modern Python (3.6+) coding from the author of Python Essential Reference Python educator Dave Beazley's concise handbook focuses on the essential core of the Python programming language, with code examples to illuminate how Python works and how to structure programs that can be more easily explained, tested, and debugged. Rather than trying to cover every possible feature and quirk of a 30-year-old language, this pragmatic guide provides a concise narrative related to fundamental programming topics that form the foundation for Python projects of any size including Data abstraction Control flowProgram structure Functions: master functions and functional programming idioms Objects: control objects and master the "protocols" that define their behavior Modules: plan for project growth by understanding modules and packages Generators Classes: understand classes from both high-level and technical perspectives I/O handling: proper techniques and abstractions Dicts "This is a pragmatic book that presents some of the most important topics about the Python programming language in a concise form, designed to make it easier to find out the most relevant information bits in a context where resources abound and frequently are just too overwhelming." Victor Domingos, Software Developer, Slim Business Solutions, The No Title® Tech Blog 

    Preis: 37.44 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Wie schreibt man Python Code?

    Um Python-Code zu schreiben, benötigst du einen Texteditor oder eine integrierte Entwicklungsumgebung (IDE) wie z.B. PyCharm oder Visual Studio Code. Du kannst den Code dann in einer Datei mit der Endung ".py" speichern. Der Code wird in Python-Syntax geschrieben, wobei Einrückungen eine wichtige Rolle spielen. Nachdem du deinen Code geschrieben hast, kannst du ihn ausführen, indem du die Datei in der Kommandozeile oder in der IDE ausführst.

  • Ist der Python-Code unverständlich?

    Das hängt von verschiedenen Faktoren ab, wie zum Beispiel dem Erfahrungsniveau des Lesers und der Komplexität des Codes. Einige Python-Codes können für Anfänger schwierig zu verstehen sein, während sie für erfahrene Entwickler möglicherweise klar und verständlich sind. Es ist wichtig, den Code so zu schreiben, dass er leicht lesbar und nachvollziehbar ist, indem man beispielsweise aussagekräftige Variablennamen verwendet und den Code in logische Abschnitte unterteilt.

  • Kannst du den Python-Code wiedergeben?

    Ja, ich kann den Python-Code wiedergeben. Bitte gib mir den Code, den du sehen möchtest, und ich werde ihn für dich wiedergeben.

  • Wie findet ihr den Python-Code?

    Ohne den Code zu sehen, können wir keine Meinung dazu abgeben. Bitte teilen Sie uns den Code mit, damit wir ihn überprüfen können.

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